{ "__ACCOUNT_SECURITY": "Account security", "__ACCOUNT_SECURITY_CAPTION": "In case of loss or theft of your devices, you can disconnect your account from all devices.", "__ADD_ADMIN_BODY": "Hi,\\n\\nI am giving you access to my Netatmo Home %s.\\n\\nTo control all Netatmo products in this home, simply follow this invitation:\\n\\n%s", "__ADD_ADMIN_SUBJECT": "Invitation: Access to my Netatmo Home", "__ADD_USER": "Invite a user", "__ADVANCED": "Advanced", "__ADVANCED_SETTINGS": "Station's settings", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_KMH": "km/h", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_MPH": "mph", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_MS": "m/s", "__APP_COULD_NOT_DISSOCIATE": "Error: could not dissociate the app. Please try again later.", "__APP_DESCRIPTION": "Description", "__APP_EXPLANATION": "You can allow third party apps to access your stations' data. You can revoke access by visiting this area.", "__APP_INTRO": "Third party apps", "__APP_NAME": "App's name", "__APP_ORGANIZATION": "Publisher", "__APP_ORGANIZATION_WEBSITE": "Publisher's website", "__APP_SCOPE": "This application can:", "__APP_SCOPE_READ_STATION": "Access my Netatmo Weather Station data", "__APP_SCOPE_READ_THERM": "access my Thermostat data", "__APP_SCOPE_WRITE_THERM": "Change my Netatmo Thermostat orders", "__APP_TITLE": "Application", "__APP_WEBSITE": "Website", "__ASSOCIATION_ERROR": "Unable to connect your account. An error has occurred.", "__ASSOC_FACEBOOK": "Connect to Facebook", "__ASSOC_TWITTER": "Connect to Twitter", "__ATTRIBUTE_ADDRESS": "addresse", "__B2B_DISSOCIATE_LAST_WITHNETAMO": "You must remove the Netatmo devices of this home before removing your access ", "__B2B_DISSOCIATE_MYSELF_BOX": "Are you sure you want to remove your own access from this home?", "__B2B_DISSOCIATE_MYSELF_TITLE": "Remove my access from this home", "__B2B_DISSOCIATE_OTHERS_BOX": "Are you sure you want to remove %s's access from this home?", "__B2B_DISSOCIATE_OTHERS_TITLE": "Remove the access from this home", "__B2B_MAIL_TYPE_ACCOUNT_NEW_ADMIN": "New User

Receive an email when a new user has access to one of your devices.", "__B2B_MODIFY_PERSONAL_INFO": "Modify my personal information", "__BACK": "Back", "__BATTERY_STATUS": "Battery status:", "__BEAUFORT": "Beaufort", "__BILAN_ENERGY": "Energy Report", "__CANCEL": "Cancel", "__CANCEL_INVITATIONS": "Cancel invitations", "__CANCEL_INVITATIONS_TEXT": "You see guests that you don't know? The invitation link may have been shared with the wrong person. Remove them from the list and click on the below button to disable current invitation links.", "__CHANGE_MAIL": "Email address", "__CHANGE_PASSWORD_ALSO_DISCONNECT_POPUP_NO": "No, just change my password", "__CHANGE_PASSWORD_ALSO_DISCONNECT_POPUP_TITLE": "Change password and disconnect me from all devices", "__CHANGE_PASSWORD_ALSO_DISCONNECT_POPUP_YES": "Yes, disconnect all", "__CHANGE_PASSWORD_WITHOUT_DISCONNECT_POPUP_BODY": "For security reasons, we advise you to disconnect all devices logged in to your account and third party apps when changing your password.", "__CHANGE_PASSWORD_WITHOUT_DISCONNECT_POPUP_TITLE": "Password changed. Do you want to disconnect all devices?", "__CLICK_CHANGE_WIFI": "Reconfigure the station's Wi-Fi", "__CLICK_HERE": "click here", "__COM_GOOGLE_SCOPE_ACCESS": "Access and control NETATMO products linked to this account.", "__COM_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS": "No results.", "__COM_START_SOUND_TEST": "Start Sound test", "__COM_THIRD_PARTY_ALL_SCOPE_ACCESS": "Access and control all the NETATMO and WITH NETATMO products linked to this account.", "__CONFIRM_MAIL": "We sent an email to your new address to confirm it.", "__CONFIRM_PASS": "Your password has been updated.", "__CONSENT_WEATHERMAP_TEXT": "Contribute to the Weathermap by agreeing to share the outdoor data from your Home Weather Station.", "__CONTACT_DEV": "I am developer", "__CONTACT_HEADER": "Contact Netatmo", "__CONTACT_MARKETING": "I have a general question", "__CONTACT_MESSAGE": "Your message", "__CONTACT_MESSAGE_DEV": "Your message. Please note you are contacting the developer support channel for question regarding our APIs. For help about your product, you can go directly here", "__CONTACT_OBJECT": "Subject", "__CONTACT_SHOP": "I have a pending order", "__CONTACT_SUPPORT": "I have a technical problem", "__CONTACT_WHO": "How can we help?", "__COOKIES_LEGALS": "Cookies & legals", "__COVER_PREAMBULE": "An interactive version of this manual is embedded in your Netatmo iPhone/iPad/Android application.
It is also available at https://helpcenter.netatmo.com on your personal account.", "__COVER_TEXT": "Netatmo User Manual", "__COVER_VERSION": "Netatmo Weather Station NWS01
October 2015", "__CREATE_SCHEDULE": "Create a schedule", "__CSV_FORMAT": "csv", "__DATA_CO2": "CO2", "__DATA_COOLING": "Cooling", "__DATA_HUMIDITY": "Humidity", "__DATA_NOISE": "Noise", "__DATA_PARTICLE": "Microparticles", "__DATA_PLEASE_SELECT": "You must select at least one data to download", "__DATA_PRESSURE": "Pressure", "__DATA_RAIN": "Rain", "__DATA_SELECT_ALL": "Select all", "__DATA_TEMPERATURE": "Temperature", "__DATE_BEGIN": "Date begin", "__DATE_END": "Date end", "__DATE_END_AFTER_DATE_BEGIN": "The date end is earlier than your date begin", "__DELETE_MODULE": "Delete module", "__DETECTED_OS": "Download software for", "__DEVICE_ADMINISTRATOR": "Partner", "__DEVICE_NAME": "Name:", "__DEVICE_REBOOT": "Reboot", "__DEVICE_REBOOT_INFO": "Your device is about to reboot.", "__DEVICE_REBOOT_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to reboot %s? This operation may take a few minutes.", "__DEVICE_SERIAL": "Serial number:", "__DISCONNECT_CONFIRM": "This action will disconnect all the devices using your Netatmo acount. Continue?", "__DISCONNECT_ME_FROM_EVERYWHERE": "Disconnect me from all devices", "__DISCONNECT_ME_FROM_EVERYWHERE_CONFIRM_POPUP_BODY": "Your account %s will be logged out from all your devices, including this one, and all third party applications.", "__DISCONNECT_ME_FROM_EVERYWHERE_CONFIRM_POPUP_TITLE": "Disconnection", "__DISSOCIATE_APP": "Remove access", "__DISSOCIATE_FAILED": "Unable to dissociate this user. Please try later.", "__DONE": "Save", "__DOWNLOAD_ANDROID": "Download the app from the Google Play store", "__DOWNLOAD_CSV": "Download", "__DOWNLOAD_IOS": "Download the app from the appstore", "__DOWNLOAD_PC": "Download the Setup Wizard", "__DOWNLOAD_WINPHONE": "Download the app from the windows store", "__EMPTY_FIELD": "This field can't be empty", "__ENTER_ADDRESS": "Enter an address here", "__ERRORMAIL": "This email is already used.", "__ERRORPASS": "Your old password is wrong.", "__ERROR_XSS_DETECTED": "We have detected a forbidden combinaison of characters, the field has not been saved.", "__ETHERNET_STATUS": "Ethernet:", "__FACEBOOK_ERROR": "We were unable to connect Facebook to your account.", "__FACEBOOK_SUCCESS": "Congratulation, your have successfully connected your account to Facebook.", "__FACEBOOK_TEXT": "Add Facebook to your account to share your weather and air quality conditions with your friends.", "__FACEBOOK_WELCOME_MSG": "I have just set-up my Weather Station made for iPhone and Android.", "__FAILED_INTERNAL_MAIL": "An internal error happened, please try again later.", "__FAILED_MAIL_INCORRECT_FORM": "Your message's format is incorrect. Make sure to fill in all the fields.", "__FAQ": "FAQ", "__FEEL_LIKE_ALGO": "Feels-like temperature", "__FEEL_LIKE_HEATIDX": "Based on Heat Index", "__FEEL_LIKE_HUMIDEX": "Based on Humidex", "__FILE_FORMAT": "File format", "__FIRMWARE": "Firmware:", "__GUEST_MANAGEMENT": "Guest Management", "__HARDWARE": "Hardware version:", "__HEIGHT_FIELD": "Altitude", "__HIDE_OS": "Hide supported operating systems", "__HOME_SETTINGS": "Home settings", "__HOME_USERS": "Home users", "__HOUR": "hour", "__HOURS": "hours", "__HOUR_BEGIN": "Hour begin", "__HOUR_END": "Hour end", "__IMPERIAL": "US system (°F / inch)", "__IMPERIAL_UNIT": "Feet", "__INSTALLER_WEBAPP": "Setup Wizard", "__INTERNAL_ERROR": "Internal error", "__INVALID_PASSWORD": "Passwords must contain at least eight characters, including uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.", "__INVITATION_TO": "Invitation to %s", "__KILOMETERS": "Kilometers/hour", "__KNOT": "Knot", "__LANG_CHANGED": "Language changed", "__LAST_MEASURES": "Last measures:", "__LINK_COPIED": "Invitation copied", "__LINUX32": "Linux 32 bits (2.6.32 kernel minimum)", "__LINUX64": "Linux 64 bits (2.6.32 kernel minimum)", "__LOCALISATION": "Location", "__MAC": "MAC address:", "__MACOS": "Mac OS (10.5 minimum)", "__MAC_ETHERNET": "Ethernet MAC address:", "__MAC_WIFI": "Serial number:", "__MAIL": "Email", "__MAIL2": "Confirm your email address", "__MAILPASS": "You have requested the change of your Netatmo's account email address. To proceed, please", "__MAIL_BOILER_MAINTENANCE_SUBTITLE": "Each time your heating equipment is not working as expected, you will receive an email so you are aware of the issue as soon as possible.", "__MAIL_BOILER_MAINTENANCE_TITLE": "Boiler maintenance errors", "__MAIL_DISCONNECTION_SUBTITLE": "Receive an email when you disconnect from all your devices and third party applications.", "__MAIL_DISCONNECTION_TITLE": "Disconnection", "__MAIL_ENERGY_REPORT_SUBTITLE": "At the beginning of each month, you will receive an email to inform you that your new Energy Savings Report is ready.", "__MAIL_ENERGY_REPORT_TITLE": "Energy Savings Reports", "__MAIL_NEW_ADMIN_SUBTITLE": "Receive an email when a new user has access to one of your Netatmo devices.", "__MAIL_NEW_ADMIN_TITLE": "New User", "__MAIL_NEW_CONNECTION_SUBTITLE": "Receive an email when someone logs into your account using your password.", "__MAIL_NEW_CONNECTION_TITLE": "New connection", "__MAIL_NOTIFICATIONS": "Mail notifications", "__MAIL_PASSWORD_CHANGED_SUBTITLE": "Receive an email when your account’s password is changed.", "__MAIL_PASSWORD_CHANGED_TITLE": "Changed password", "__MAIL_SUBJECT": "Netatmo - Email change request", "__MAIL_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_SUBTITLE": "Receive an email when your account is blocked due to too many failed authentication attempts.", "__MAIL_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TITLE": "Too many failed attempts", "__MAIL_TYPE_ACCOUNT_NEW_ADMIN": "New User

Receive an email when a new user has access to one of your Netatmo devices.", "__MAIL_TYPE_ACCOUNT_NEW_CONNECTION": "New connection

Receive an email when someone logs into your account using your password.", "__MAIL_TYPE_ACCOUNT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS": "Too many failed attempts

Receive an email when your account is blocked due to too many failed authentication attempts.", "__MAIL_TYPE_DISCONNECTION": "Disconnection

Receive an email when you disconnect from all your devices and third party applications.", "__MAIL_TYPE_PASSWORD_CHANGED": "Changed password

Receive an email when your account’s password is changed.", "__MAIL_TYPE_THERMOSTAT_BOILER_NOT_RESPONDING": "Boiler maintenance errors

Each time your heating equipment is not working as expected, you will receive an email so you are aware of the issue as soon as possible.", "__MAIL_TYPE_THERMOSTAT_ENERGY_BILAN": "Energy Savings Reports

At the beginning of each month, you will receive an email to inform you that your new Energy Savings Report is ready.", "__MAIL_TYPE_THERMOSTAT_LOW_BATTERY": "Low battery alerts

About four weeks before your products runs out of battery, you will be notified by email.", "__MAIL_TYPE_THERMOSTAT_VERYLOW_BATTERY": "Batteries low/depleted alerts

You will be alerted by e-mail when the batteries in your products are low/depleted.", "__MAIL_VERY_LOW_BATTERY_SUBTITLE": "You will be alerted by e-mail when the batteries in your products are low/depleted.", "__MAIL_VERY_LOW_BATTERY_TITLE": "Batteries low/depleted alerts", "__MANAGE_USERS": "Manage users", "__ME": "My account", "__METERS": "Meters/second", "__METER_UNIT": "Meters", "__METRIC": "Metric system (°C / mm)", "__MILES": "Miles/hour", "__MINUTE": "minute", "__MINUTES": "minutes", "__MODIFY_EMAIL": "Change my email address", "__MODIFY_LANG": "Change my language", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES": "Change my mails preferences", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES_ACCOUNT": "Account", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES_CAMERA": "Welcome", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES_ENERGY": "Energy", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES_STATION": "Station", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES_THERMOSTAT": "Thermostat", "__MODIFY_MAIL_PREFERENCES_WEATHER": "Weather", "__MODIFY_PW": "Change my password", "__MODIFY_REGIONAL_PARAM": "Change my regional parameters", "__MODIFY_TIMEZONE_PARAM": "Configure your timezone", "__MODULES_TITLE": "Modules", "__MODULE_NAME": "Module:", "__MODULE_SETTINGS": "Module settings", "__MOVE_MODULE": "Move module", "__MOVE_MODULE_OTHER_ROOM": "Move module to another room", "__MOVE_MODULE_SUCCESS": "Module has been successfully moved", "__MYSELF": "Myself", "__MY_ACCOUNT": "My account", "__MY_ACCOUNT_ANALYTICS": "Analytics", "__MY_ALARMS": "My notifications", "__MY_APPS": "My third party apps", "__MY_CONNECTIONS": "My connections", "__MY_CONNECTIONS_DESCRIPTION_HEADER": "Devices currently logged in to your account.", "__MY_CONTACT": "Contact", "__MY_DELETE_USER": "Delete", "__MY_DEVICES": "Stations", "__MY_DEVICE_NAMODULE2": "Anemometer", "__MY_ERROR_NO_PLACES": "The weather station is not properly configured please reinstall it.", "__MY_FAQ": "FAQ", "__MY_HELP": "Help", "__MY_INSTALL": "Downloads", "__MY_INVALID_PWD": "Invalid password. One of those characters is not allowed.", "__MY_INVALID_PWD_COMPLEXITY": "Invalid password! It must fill at least three of these four conditions:
- 1 lowercase character
- 1 uppercase character
- 1 number
- 1 special character
", "__MY_INVALID_PWD_LENGTH": "Invalid password, it must be at least 8 characters.", "__MY_LANG": "Languages", "__MY_LOCALISATION": "Location", "__MY_LOGOUT": "Log out", "__MY_MAIL": "Email", "__MY_MAILS_PREFERENCES": "Change my email settings", "__MY_MENU": "Menu", "__MY_NETWORK_CONFIG": "Configure network", "__MY_PASSWORD": "Password", "__MY_SETTINGS": "Settings", "__MY_SET_HOMEKIT": "Setup HomeKit", "__MY_SHARE": "My invitations", "__MY_UNITS": "Units", "__MY_WIFI_CONFIG": "Setup Wi-Fi", "__NETWORK_STATUS": "Network status", "__NEWMAIL": "My new email", "__NEWMAIL2": "Confirm new email", "__NEWMAIL2_PLACEHOLDER": "Confirm your new email", "__NEWMAIL_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your new email", "__NEWPASSWORD": "New password", "__NEWPASSWORD2": "Confirm password", "__NEWPASSWORD2_PLACEHOLDER": "Confirm your new password", "__NEWPASSWORD_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your new password", "__NFA_BLACK_FRIDAY_BUTTON": "Save now", "__NFA_BLACK_FRIDAY_CODE": "Use code BF2016 at checkout", "__NFA_BLACK_FRIDAY_DISCLAMER": "* Valid until 28/11/2016 on www.netatmo.com (except for Presence camera), while quantities last. Maximum 2 identitcal items per customer. Not to be combined with any other offer, cashback or discount. Valid for private consumers only, not for resale.", "__NFA_BLACK_FRIDAY_PROMO": "BLACK FRIDAY
up to 50% off on our e-shop. *See conditions", "__NFA_CHATBOT_TEXT": "The personal assistant who manages your smart home for you. Let it switch the cameras on when you leave home or manage your heating. Effortless.", "__NFA_CHATBOT_TITLE": "Discover the
Netatmo Smart Home Bot! (BETA)", "__NFA_CHATBOT_TRY": "Try now on Messenger", "__NO": "No", "__NONE": "None", "__NOT_AVAILABLE": "Not available", "__NO_APP": "You did not allow third party apps yet.", "__NO_GEOLOCATION": "Failed to locate.", "__NO_NAME": "noname", "__NO_UPDATE_POSSIBLE": "Failed to update.", "__OEM_SERIAL": "S/N", "__OFF": "off", "__OLD": "Old", "__OLDPASSWORD": "Old password", "__ON": "on", "__PAGE_NOT_FOUND": "The url your have entered does not exists", "__PASSWORD": "Password", "__PLUG_STATION": "Plug your phone to your station", "__PRESSURE_UNIT": "Pressure unit", "__PRESSURE_UNIT_MBAR": "mbar", "__PRESSURE_UNIT_MERCURY": "inHg", "__PRESSURE_UNIT_TORR": "mmHg", "__PRODUCT": "Product", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_ACCESS_APP_BUTTON": "Finish", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_BACK_NIGHT_TIME": "What time do you come back home?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_BED_TIME": "What time do you go to bed during the week?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_BED_TIME_WEEK_END": "What time do you go to bed during the week-end?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_BEGIN_BUTTON": "Let's start", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_COOLING_TEMPERATURE": "Cooling temperature", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_END": "A new temperature schedule has been created for your home. It will apply on every room. You can modify it any time by pressing \"\" in the app menu.", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_HEADER_TITLE": "Create a schedule", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_HEATING_TEMPERATURE": "Heating temperature", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_HOME_DURING_DAY": "Are you home during the day?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_HOME_SATURDAY": "Are you usually home on Saturdays?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_HOME_SUNDAY": "Are you usually home on Sundays?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_LEAVE_MORNING_TIME": "What time do you leave home?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_LUNCH_END_TIME": "What time do you leave home?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_LUNCH_NOON": "Do you come back home for lunch?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_LUNCH_START_TIME": "What time do you come back home?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_MODE_COOLING": "Cooling", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_MODE_HEATING": "Heating", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_MODE_SELECTION": "Please select an operating mode for your product", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_RECOMMENDATION_TEMPERATURE_AT_HOME": "For an optimal comfort, it is recommended by public institutions to set this temperature to around 19 °C.", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TEMPERATURE_AT_HOME": "What would be your ideal comfort temperature at home during the day?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TITLE_DAY": "Week days", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TITLE_LUNCH": "Lunch", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TITLE_NIGHT": "Week", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TITLE_SATURDAY": "Saturday", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TITLE_SUNDAY": "Sunday", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_TITLE_WEEK_END": "Week-end", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_WAKE_UP_TIME": "What time do you get up during the week?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_WAKE_UP_TIME_WEEK_END": "What time do you get up during the week-end?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_WEEKEND_BACK_TIME": "What time do you come back home?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_WEEKEND_LEAVE_TIME": "What time do you leave home?", "__QUESTIONNAIRE_WELCOME_DESCRIPTION": "You are about to create a new temperature schedule. We will optimize it by asking you a few questions about your life habits.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_COMING_BACK_DURING_SLEEPING_TIME": "You can't come back home after going to bed.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_INVALID_TEMPERATURE": "The temperature must be between 12°C and 28°C.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_INVALID_TIME": "Please enter a valid time value.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_LEAVING_DURING_SLEEPING_TIME": "You can't leave home before waking up.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_LEAVING_HOME_BEFORE_COMING_BACK": "You can't come back home before leaving it.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_LUNCH_AFTER_COMING_BACK": "You can't leave home after your lunch if you're already back to your house.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_LUNCH_BEFORE_LEAVING": "You can't come back for lunch if you haven't left home.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_LUNCH_END_BEFORE_START": "You can't end lunch before starting it.", "__QUIZZ_ERROR_ZONES_EQUAL_TIMES": "The beginning and ending times can't be the same.", "__RADIO_QUALITY": "Radio signal:", "__REMOVE_DATA": "Delete measurements", "__REMOVE_FACEBOOK": "Disconnect from Facebook", "__REMOVE_TWITTER": "Disconnect from Twitter", "__RENAME_MODULE": "Rename module", "__RETRIEVE_MEASURE": "See the last measure received from your station", "__RMDATA_DATA_CONFIRM_POPUP": "Are you sure you want to delete those measurements? It cannot be undone.", "__RMDATA_DATA_REMOVED_ERROR": "An error occurred while trying to delete the measurements. Please try again later.", "__RMDATA_DATE_NOT_FILLED": "%s is a mandatory field", "__RMDATA_REMOVE_CLICK": "Delete measurements", "__ROOM_SETTINGS": "Room settings", "__SCALE_1DAY": "One measurement per day", "__SCALE_1MONTH": "One measurement per month", "__SCALE_1WEEK": "One measurement per week", "__SCALE_30MIN": "One measurement every 30 minutes", "__SCALE_3HOURS": "One measurement every 3 hours", "__SCALE_MAX": "All measurements", "__SEARCH": "Search", "__SELECT_DL_DATA": "Check the data to download", "__SELECT_LOCAL": "Select local parameters", "__SELECT_ROOM_TYPE": "Select a room type", "__SELECT_SCALE": "Please select the data rate", "__SELECT_TIMEZONE": "Select timezone", "__SEND": "Send", "__SEND_AN_INVITATION": "Send an invitation", "__SETTINGS_ERROR": "An error occurred, you should not arrive on this page. If you see this page too often, please contact us using the form in the application settings.", "__SETTINGS_ERROR_TITLE": "An error occurred: ", "__SETTINGS_LOGOUT_QUESTION": "Are you sure you want to logout ?", "__SETTINGS_PREFERENCES": "Preferences", "__SHARE_HOME_TITLE": "Share access to your home with other users", "__SHOW_OS": "Show supported operating systems", "__SUBJECT_THERMOSTAT_LOW_BATTERY": "Auto-Care alert: the batteries of your thermostat \"\" are low!", "__SUCCESS_MAIL": "Your message was successfully sent.", "__SYS_UNIT": "Unit system", "__THERMOSTAT_LOW_BATTERY_TEXT": "We advise you to replace them in the next four weeks with new batteries so you will continue to benefit from all the features of the Netatmo Thermostat.", "__TIMEZONE": "Timezone:", "__TIME_WITHOUT_DATE": "Please select a date", "__TITLE_OTHER_OS": "Operating systems", "__TOO_LONG_DATE_SLOT": "The selected period could not exceed 3 month in this scale.", "__TWITTER_DENIED": "You did not allow us to access your twitter account", "__TWITTER_ERROR": "We were unable to connect Twitter to your account.", "__TWITTER_SUCCESS": "Congratulation, your have successfully connected your account to Twitter.", "__TWITTER_TEXT": "Add Twitter to your account to publish your weather and air quality conditions.", "__TWITTER_WELCOME_MSG": "I have just set-up my Weather Station made for iPhone and Android. http://www.netatmo.com", "__TYPE_MODULE": "Type:", "__UNITS_CHANGED": "Units changed", "__UNPLACED_PRODUCTS": "Unplaced products", "__UPDATE_DONE": "Data updated.", "__UPDATE_FAILED": "Internal error. Please try later.", "__UPDATE_NONE": "No data to update.", "__USER_DISSOCIATED": "User dissociated", "__USER_MANAGEMENT": "User management", "__USER_ME": "Me", "__VALIDATE_EMAIL": "Email validation", "__VALIDATE_EMAIL_BUTTON": "Send me my validation link.", "__VALIDATE_EMAIL_EXPLANATION": "Your email was not validated. You need to validate your email to receive any communications from Netatmo.", "__WIFI_STATUS": "Wi-Fi signal:", "__WINDOWS": "Windows (XP minimum)", "__WIND_UNIT": "Wind Speed", "__XLS_FORMAT": "xls", "__YES": "Yes", "__YOUR_DATA": "Data" }