{ "__##KEY": "Translation", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_ACOUSTIC_COMFORT": "Acoustic comfort.", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_CO2_LEVEL": "Indoor CO₂ level", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_COMFORT": "Indoor comfort.", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_TEMPERATURE": "Indoor temperature", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_AIR_QUALITY": "Outdoor air quality.", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_TEMPERATURE": "Outdoor temperature", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_PRESSURE_LABEL": "Air pressure in", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_RAIN_LAST_HOUR": "Rain Last hour", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_RAIN_PREFIX": "Rain", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_WIND_CURRENT": "Wind speed", "__ACC_DASHBOARD_WIND_PREFIX": "Wind", "__ACC_GRAPH_DISABLED": "This is a view showing graphs.", "__ACC_GRAPH_DISABLED_IPHONE": "This is a view showing graphs. Tilt to visualize the dashboard.", "__ACC_GRAPH_TITLE": "Graphs", "__ACC_NAVIGATION_MENU": "menu", "__ACC_SHARE_TIMELINE": "Tap to share this event on twitter or facebook", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_CALM": "Calm", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_E": "East", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_ENE": "East-Northeast", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_ESE": "East-Southeast", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_N": "North", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_NE": "Northeast", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_NNE": "North-Northeast", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_NNW": "North-Northwest", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_NW": "Northwest", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_S": "South", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_SE": "Southeast", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_SSE": "South-Southeast", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_SSW": "South-Southwest", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_SW": "Southwest", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_VARIABLE": "Variable direction", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_W": "West", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_WNW": "West-Northwest", "__ACC_WIND_DIR_WSW": "West-Southwest", "__ADDITIONAL_ROOM": "Additional room", "__ADD_FAVORITE_DEMO_MODE_ERROR": "Only Weather Station owners can add favorites.", "__AIDE_HOTSPOT": "The Weather Station cannot access internet through public Wi-Fi networks (HotSpot) and through enterprise Wi-Fi networks that filter ports.", "__AIDE_PERSISTE": "If the problem persists, contact the Netatmo Support.", "__AIDE_RESTART": "Please unplug and replug the Weather Station and retry the Installation.", "__AIDE_SUPPORT": "Please contact the Netatmo Support.", "__ALERTS": "Alerts", "__ANDROID_INSTALL_ALT_INTRO": "You don't have any Netatmo Weather Station Yet. To set up your Netatmo Weather Station, please visit http://start.netatmo.com from your computer.", "__ANDROID_INSTALL_ALT_INTRO_NO_STATION": "You don't have any Netatmo Weather Station Yet.", "__ANDROID_INSTALL_ALT_SETUP": "To set up your Netatmo Weather Station, please visit http://start.netatmo.com from your computer.", "__ANDROID_INSTALL_ALT_TITLE": "Set up your Netatmo Weather Station", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_AUTOMATIC_SELECTION": "Will be automatically set when a station is selected", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_CONF_TITLE_INDOOR": "Indoor widget configuration", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_CONF_TITLE_OUTDOOR": "Outdoor widget configuration", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_CONF_TITLE_RAINGAUGE": "Smart Rain Gauge widget configuration", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_CONF_TITLE_WINDGAUGE": "Smart Anemometer widget configuration", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_ERROR_NO_CORRESPONDING_MODULE": "You don't have any station with a compatible module.", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_ERROR_SELECTION": "You must select a station and his module first!", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_PREVIEW_LABEL_INDOOR": "Netatmo (indoor)", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_PREVIEW_LABEL_OUTDOOR": "Netatmo (outdoor)", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_PREVIEW_LABEL_RAINGAUGE": "Netatmo (Smart Rain Gauge)", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_PREVIEW_LABEL_WINDGAUGE": "Netatmo (Smart Anemometer)", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_SELECT_MODULE": "Select a module", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_SELECT_STATION": "Select a station", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_SELECT_UNAVAILABLE": "Unavailable because you have to select a station first", "__ANDROID_WIDGET_UPDATE_INTERVAL": "Update interval", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_CO2_PPM": "ppm", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_KNOTS": "knots", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_KNOTS_ABB": "kt.", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_NOISE_DB": "dB", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_PRESSURE_INHG": "inHg", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_PRESSURE_MBAR": "mbar", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_PRESSURE_MMHG": "mmHg", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_QT_IN": "in", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_QT_MM": "mm", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_BEAUFORT": "Beaufort", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_BEAUFORT_ABB": "Bft.", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_KMH": "km/h", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_MPH": "mph", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_SPEED_MS": "m/s", "__APPLICATION_UNIT_TIME_H": "h", "__BACKGROUND_PREFIX": "Background", "__BT_ACTIVATEBLUETOOTHBLE_STC": "Bluetooth must be turned on to set-up the Netatmo Weather Station.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_CONFIGURE_DEFAULT_NAME": "New module", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_CONFIGURE_EDIT_CAPTION": "Name", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_CONFIGURE_EDIT_LABEL": "Congratulations! The station found a new module. Please, name this module.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_CONFIRM_DISSOCIATE": "Are you sure you want to remove this module from your station?", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_DOES_NOT_MATCH": "The module found by your station does not match the type of module you are trying to add.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_ERROR_MEMORY": "Oops! Something went wrong, please unplug and replug the Weather Station and retry the installation.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_ERROR_TOO_MANY_MODULES": "Your station cannot have more modules", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_INDOOR_MODULE_EMPTY": "New indoor module", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_INDOOR_MODULE_TITLE": "Indoor modules", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_INSERT_BATTERIES": "Please insert batteries in the module. If the batteries were already inserted, please remove and wait 30 seconds before reinserting them, so the module's green LED flashes.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_LOADING_ASSOCIATE": "Adding module", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_LOADING_DISSOCIATE": "Removing module", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_LOADING_GET_STATION_INFORMATION": "Retrieving station information.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_LOADING_OPEN_SESSION": "Connecting to the station.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_LOADING_SET_PARAMS": "Updating module's information.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_MODULE_NOT_FOUND": "We could not identify your module. Please contact the Netatmo Support.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_NOT_FOUND": "The station could not find any module.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_OUTDOOR_MODULE_EMPTY": "New outdoor module", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_OUTDOOR_MODULE_TITLE": "Outdoor modules", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_RAIN_GAUGE_EMPTY": "New Smart Rain Gauge", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_SET_NEAR_STATION": "Place the module next to your station.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_STATION_NOT_FOUND": "You need to setup this Netatmo Station before adding a module to it.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_TERMINATE": "The module was successfully added to the station.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_TITLE_MODULE_MANAGER": "Modules", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_WAIT_FOR_MODULE": "The station is searching for the module.", "__BT_ADD_MODULE_WIND_GAUGE_EMPTY": "New Smart Anemometer", "__BT_CANCELLED_STC": "Your phone/tablet is not connected to the station because you chose to \"cancel\" the previous step.
Please check that the station is still blinking in blue.", "__BT_CANCELLED_STC_ACCESSIBILITY": "Your phone/tablet is not connected to the station because you chose to \"cancel\" the previous step.
Please touch and hold the top of the station for 10 seconds.", "__BT_CONNECTED_STC": "Congratulations! We are going to set up the Wi-Fi of the station.", "__BT_CONNECTED_STC_ADD_MODULE": "Congratulations! You will now be able to add modules to your station or remove them.", "__BT_FAILED_STC": "Your phone could not connect to the Station at this time.", "__BT_FAILED_STC_ACCESSIBILITY": "Your phone could not connect to the Netatmo station at this time.
Please touch and hold the top of the station for 10 seconds.", "__BT_GO_2_COMPUTER_EXISTING_STC": "To set up your Netatmo Weather Station, please visit http://start.netatmo.com from your computer.", "__BT_GO_2_COMPUTER_EXISTING_STC_ADD_MODULE": "To add or remove a module, please visit https://add.netatmo.com from your computer.", "__BT_GO_2_COMPUTER_NOSTATION_ALERT": "You don't have any Netatmo Weather Station Yet.", "__BT_GO_2_COMPUTER_NOSTATION_STC": "You don't have any Netatmo Weather Station Yet. To set up your Netatmo Weather Station, please visit http://start.netatmo.com from your computer.", "__BT_PLUGPOWER_STC": "Please, plug-in the Netatmo Station's big module.", "__BT_PREPARINGSTATION_STC": "Your station is powering up. Please wait.", "__BT_PUSHBUTTON_STC": "Touch the top of the station until it blinks blue or white.", "__BT_PUSHBUTTON_STC_ACCESSIBILITY": "Touch and hold the top of the station for 10 seconds.", "__BT_SUCCESS_STC": "Congratulations! Your Netatmo Weather Station is now set up. It sends measurements using Wi-Fi. Your phone's bluetooth can be turned off.", "__BUY_NIM": "You can add up to 3 Additional Modules", "__BUY_NOW": "Buy now!", "__BUY_NRG_NWA": "You can add a Smart Rain Gauge and a Smart Anemometer", "__CALIBRATION_CO2": "CO2", "__CALIBRATION_HUMIDITY": "Humidity", "__CALIBRATION_PRESSURE": "Pressure", "__CALIBRATION_RAIN": "Rain", "__CALIBRATION_TEMPERATURE": "Temperature", "__CALIBRATION_WIND": "Wind", "__COMFORT_CO2_TOO_HIGH": "High CO₂ level", "__COMFORT_HUM_TOO_HIGH": "High humidity", "__COMFORT_HUM_TOO_LOW": "Low humidity", "__COMFORT_OK": "Comfortable situation", "__COMFORT_SONO_TOO_HIGH": "Noisy", "__COMFORT_TEMP_TOO_HIGH": "High temperature", "__COMFORT_TEMP_TOO_LOW": "Low temperature", "__COM_DEVICE_LIST_DEFAULT_NAME": "Station", "__COM_INSTALLER_DEVICE_COULD_NOT_AUTH": "Could not authentify your station. Please contact the support.", "__COM_INSTALLER_LOST_CONNECTION_TO_DEVICE_ALERT": "Sorry, we lost the connection to the Weather Station. This installation will restart.", "__COM_INSTALLER_WIFI_CONFIGURATION_DEVICE_ALREADY_HAS_VALID_CONFIGURATION": "Your Weather Station already has a valid Wi-Fi configuration: %s", "__COM_IOS142_HELPCENTER_LINK": "https://helpcenter.netatmo.com/360000950712/360003193471/360017371939", "__COM_PRODUCT_MARKETING_NAME": "Weather Station", "__COM_PRODUCT_OBJECT_NAME": "station", "__DASHBOARD_AIRQ_NOT_AVAILABLE": "Not Available", "__DASHBOARD_CO2_CALIBRATING": "Calibration", "__DASHBOARD_FORECAST_DATA_TYPE_RAIN": "Rain", "__DASHBOARD_FORECAST_DATA_TYPE_SUMMARY": "Summary", "__DASHBOARD_FORECAST_DATA_TYPE_TEMPERATURE": "Temperature", "__DASHBOARD_HINT_TILT_TO_PLOT": "Tilt to visualize the graphs.", "__DASHBOARD_LABEL_NO_RECENT_DATA": "No recent data", "__DASHBOARD_SONO_HIGH_COMFORT": "Quiet", "__DASHBOARD_SONO_LOW_COMFORT": "Noisy", "__DASHBOARD_SONO_MIDDLE_COMFORT": "Lively", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE": "Dashboard", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_CO2": "CO₂", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_FORECAST": "Forecast", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_HUMIDITY": "Humidity", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_HUMIDITY_ABB": "Humidity", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE": "Max", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE": "Min", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_PRESSURE": "Pressure", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_WINDCHILL": "Feels like", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_WIND_GUST": "Gusts", "__DASHBOARD_TITLE_WIND_MAX_DAY": "Max. day", "__DELETE_FAVORITE_ALERT_MSG": "Are you sure you want to delete this favorite station?", "__DELETE_STATION": "Are you sure you want to uninstall this product? It will be deleted from your home, all modules linked to it will be removed and all data will be irrevocably lost, including the graphs.", "__DELETION": "Deletion", "__DEMO_FAIL": "Sorry, we could not connect to our demo station. Please check that you have data connectivity.", "__DEMO_FORECAST": "7-day weather forecast included with the Netatmo Weather Station.", "__DEMO_LOADING": "Connecting to our demo Station...", "__DEMO_SHOP_BTN": "Get your Netatmo Weather Station!", "__DEMO_SHOP_TEXT": "Monitor indoor temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality, noise pollution and get reliable 7-day weather forecast.", "__DEVICE_COULD_NOT_AUTH": "Could not authentify your station. Please contact the support.", "__DEVICE_DISCONNECTED": "Sorry, we lost the connection to the Weather Station. This installation will restart.", "__EASY": "Easy", "__EASY_INSTALLATION": "Easy installation", "__EXIT_WMAP_ALERT": "Do you want to exit Weathermap?", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_DEW_POINT": "Dew Point", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_FEELS_LIKE": "Feels like", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_FORECAST": "7-day Forecast", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_GLOBAL_CHANGE_STATION": "Change station", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_GLOBAL_LAST_UPDATE_TIME": "Last update time", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR": "Indoor", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_ACOUSTIC_COMFORT": "Acoustic comfort", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_ACOUSTIC_COMFORT_NOT_AVAILABLE": "Sound meter not available
for Additional Smart Indoor Module", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_AIR_QUALITY": "Indoor comfort", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_CO2_LEVEL": "Indoor CO₂ level", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_CO2_MEASUREMENT": "Indoor CO₂ measurement", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_LEFT": "Indoor humidity", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_RIGHT": "Pressure", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_TEMPERATURE": "Indoor temperature", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_MORE_INFOS": "Tap on text for more details", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_AIR_QUALITY": "Outdoor air pollution", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_CURRENT_WEATHER": "Current weather", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_LEFT": "Outdoor humidity", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_PLUVIO_DROITE_BAS_DROITE": "Forecast today", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_PLUVIO_DROITE_BAS_GAUCHE": "Measured today", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_PLUVIO_DROITE_HAUT": "Last hour", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_PLUVIO_GAUCHE": "Last hour", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_RIGHT": "Feels like / Dew point", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_TEMPERATURE": "Outdoor temperature", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_WIND_DROITE_BAS_DROITE": "Today's max. wind", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_WIND_DROITE_BAS_GAUCHE": "Gust speed and direction", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_WIND_DROITE_HAUT": "Average speed", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_WIND_GAUCHE": "Current wind icon", "__EXPLI_DASHBOARD_WEATHERMAP": "Weathermap", "__FAVORITES_NO_MORE": "You cannot have more than 5 favorites", "__FEEL_LIKE_ALGO": "Feels-like temperature", "__FEEL_LIKE_HEATIDX": "Based on Heat Index", "__FEEL_LIKE_HUMIDEX": "Based on Humidex", "__FIRSTUSE_TAKE_SNAPSHOT_LONG_MSG": "To make your first measurement, press the indoor module's top button until it lights up.", "__FIRSTUSE_TAKE_SNAPSHOT_SHORT_MSG": "Make your first measurement.", "__FIRSTUSE_TRIGGER_ALARM_LONG_MSG": "To trigger your first alert, blow in the indoor module until it lights up.", "__FIRSTUSE_TRIGGER_ALARM_SHORT_MSG": "Trigger your first alert.", "__FLASHING": "Weather Station firmware upgrading", "__FORECAST_DEMO_MODE_ERROR": "Only Weather Station owners can see forecast details.", "__GAUGE_AIRNOW_1": "Good", "__GAUGE_AIRNOW_2": "Moderate", "__GAUGE_AIRNOW_3": "Unhealthy for sensitive groups", "__GAUGE_AIRNOW_4": "Unhealthy", "__GAUGE_AIRNOW_5": "Very unhealthy", "__GAUGE_AIRNOW_6": "Hazardous", "__GAUGE_AUSTRALIA_1": "Very good", "__GAUGE_AUSTRALIA_2": "Good", "__GAUGE_AUSTRALIA_3": "Fair", "__GAUGE_AUSTRALIA_4": "Poor", "__GAUGE_AUSTRALIA_5": "Very poor", "__GAUGE_AUSTRALIA_6": "Hazardous", "__GAUGE_CANADA_1": "Low", "__GAUGE_CANADA_2": "Moderate", "__GAUGE_CANADA_3": "High", "__GAUGE_CANADA_4": "Very high", "__GAUGE_CHINA_1": "Excellent", "__GAUGE_CHINA_2": "Good", "__GAUGE_CHINA_3": "Slightly polluted", "__GAUGE_CHINA_4": "Lightly polluted", "__GAUGE_CHINA_5": "Moderately polluted", "__GAUGE_CHINA_6": "Heavily polluted", "__GAUGE_CHINA_7": "Severely polluted", "__GAUGE_CITEAIR_1": "Very low", "__GAUGE_CITEAIR_2": "Low", "__GAUGE_CITEAIR_3": "Medium", "__GAUGE_CITEAIR_4": "High", "__GAUGE_CITEAIR_5": "Very high", "__GAUGE_HONG_KONG_1": "Low", "__GAUGE_HONG_KONG_2": "Medium", "__GAUGE_HONG_KONG_3": "High", "__GAUGE_HONG_KONG_4": "Very high", "__GAUGE_HONG_KONG_5": "Severe", "__GAUGE_INDOOR_COMFORT_1": "Very good", "__GAUGE_INDOOR_COMFORT_2": "Good", "__GAUGE_INDOOR_COMFORT_3": "Medium", "__GAUGE_INDOOR_COMFORT_4": "Bad", "__GAUGE_JAPAN_1": "Good", "__GAUGE_JAPAN_2": "Moderate", "__GAUGE_JAPAN_3": "Unhealthy for sensitive groups", "__GAUGE_JAPAN_4": "Unhealthy", "__GAUGE_JAPAN_5": "Very unhealthy", "__GAUGE_JAPAN_6": "Hazardous", "__GAUGE_MACC_1": "Very low", "__GAUGE_MACC_2": "Low", "__GAUGE_MACC_3": "Medium", "__GAUGE_MACC_4": "High", "__GAUGE_MACC_5": "Very high", "__GRAPHS_DATA_INCONSISTENCY_MESSAGE": "You can contact the Netatmo support with error code: %d", "__GRAPHS_DATA_INCONSISTENCY_TITLE": "Data Error", "__GUEST_1": "The Netatmo Weather Station's indoor and outdoor modules measure their environment.", "__GUEST_2": "You can monitor all those measurements from your iPhone/iPad.", "__GUEST_SLIDER_TITLE": "Discover", "__GUEST_TITLE_1": "Your friend's Weather Station", "__GUEST_TITLE_2": "Access it from your iPhone/iPad", "__GUST_SPEED": "Gusts", "__HISTORY": "History", "__HOME_MIGRATION": "Migration", "__HOME_MIGRATION_CONGRATULATIONS": "Your Weather Station is now in your home %s.", "__HOME_MIGRATION_CREATE_HOME": "Give a name to the home the Station is in %s (%s).", "__HOME_MIGRATION_EXPLANATION": "Weather Stations are now joining the other products in Netatmo homes! No need to reinstall your Station, just tell us which home it is in: the fastest move you've ever seen.", "__HOME_MIGRATION_SELECT_HOME": "Select the home the Station %s is in.", "__HOME_MIGRATION_TITLE": "A home for your Station", "__IDEVICE_CURRENT_WIFI_NOT_SUPPORTED": "Your device's current Wi-Fi network authentication protocol is not supported by the station. We will now propose you to pick another Wi-Fi network.", "__IMPERIAL": "US system (°F / inch)", "__INSERT_BATTERIES_PLUVIO": "Remove the tab insulating the batteries. If resetting the Smart Rain Gauge, remove the batteries and wait 30 seconds before reinserting them, so the module's inner side flashes green.", "__INSTALLER_CONNECTED_LAST_STEP": "The Wi-Fi of your station is set up.
One last step left!
Please tap Continue.", "__INSTALLER_CONNECTED_TO_NET": "Your Station has now access to internet! Unplug it to start using it.", "__INSTALLER_ENABLE_GPS_DIALOG": "Your GPS module is disabled. Would you like to enable it ?", "__INSTALLER_OFFLINE_MSG": "You need to have internet access to set up the station", "__INSTALLER_REGISTER_TITLE": "Register station", "__INSTALLER_UNPLUG_2_EXIT": "Unplug the station to finish the setup.", "__INSTALL_PUSHBUTTON": "If not blinking yet, touch the top of the Station until it blinks.", "__INSTALL_QRCODE_CHECK_ROOTING": "Is there a QR code at the back of the Station?", "__INSTALL_RESET_STATION_ALERT_MESSAGE": "If the weather station has already been setup by you or someone in your family you can chose to join the existing home. Otherwise we will reset and clean it up for you.", "__INSTALL_ROOTING_BLUETOOTH_BUTTON": "Blue", "__INSTALL_ROOTING_DESCRIPTION": "Then select below the color of the light:", "__INSTALL_ROOTING_TCP_BUTTON": "White", "__INTERNAL_ERROR": "Whoops! An internal error number %s occurred.
- Please unplug and replug the Weather Station and retry the Installation.
- If the problem persists, contact the Netatmo Support.", "__IOS_EXTENSION_NEED_2_LOGIN": "You need to login in the app to display your data here", "__IPAD_POPOVER_TITLE_MENU": "Menu", "__IPAD_POPOVER_TITLE_STATION": "Station", "__KICKED_ALERT": "You have been disconnected from your station by its administrator.", "__LEARN_MORE": "Learn more", "__LIEN_ALIAS_CO2": "/co2", "__LIEN_ALIAS_CURRENT": "/current", "__LIEN_ALIAS_DEFAULT_AIRQ": "/default_airquality", "__LIEN_ALIAS_FORECAST": "/forecast", "__LIEN_ALIAS_HUMIDITY": "/hygrometer", "__LIEN_ALIAS_JAUGEEXT": "GARDER LE MECANISME OU THOMAS RENVOIE", "__LIEN_ALIAS_JAUGEINT": "/indoor_comfort", "__LIEN_ALIAS_PRESSURE": "/barometer", "__LIEN_ALIAS_RAIN": "/rain", "__LIEN_ALIAS_SONO": "/sound_meter", "__LIEN_ALIAS_TEMP": "/thermometer", "__LIEN_ALIAS_WEATHERMAP": "/weathermap", "__LIEN_ALIAS_WIND": "/wind", "__LOCATE_STATION": "Locate my station", "__LOGIN_ENTRY_DISCOVER1_LABEL": "Don't have your station yet?", "__MAIN_POLLUTANT_PREFIX": "Main pollutant:", "__MAP_IMPERIAL": "US", "__MAP_SEARCH_BAR": "Search Place", "__MEASURED_BY_NETATMO": "Measured by netatmo.com", "__METRIC": "Metric system (°C / mm)", "__MODIFY_UNITS": "Change my units", "__MODULE_DEFAULT": "Module", "__MODULE_DEFAULT_NAME": "Module", "__MODULE_DEFAULT_NAME_MAIN": "Indoor", "__MODULE_DEFAULT_NAME_OUTDOOR": "Outdoor", "__MORE_RELIABLE": "More reliable", "__MORE_RELIABLE_MEASUREMENTS": "More reliable measurements", "__MOVE_MODULE_SUCCESS": "Module has been successfully moved", "__MY_AMAZON_COMMENT_TEXT": "Do you like your Netatmo Weather Station? Say it on Amazon!", "__MY_AMAZON_COMMENT_TITLE": "Review the station on amazon", "__MY_DEVICE_NAMAIN": "Indoor module", "__MY_DEVICE_NAMODULE1": "Outdoor module", "__MY_DEVICE_NAMODULE2": "Anemometer", "__MY_DEVICE_NAMODULE3": "Rain Gauge", "__MY_DEVICE_NAMODULE4": "Indoor module", "__MY_SHARE_ERROR": "An error occurred while publishing this picture. Please try again later.", "__MY_SHARE_EXPLANATION": "You are sharing the following measurement spot of the Weather Station. Only the picture below will be shared.", "__MY_SHARE_TITLE": "Sharing", "__MY_SHARE_WITH": "Share with", "__MY_SOCIAL_USER_TEXT": "Comment this shared weather measurement.", "__NEW_FEATURE_WEATHERMAP_TEXT": "Now you can access the Netatmo Weathermap from your app. You'll find it on the station menu.", "__NEW_FEATURE_WIDGET": "Widgets let you monitor the weather conditions from your homescreen.", "__NEW_FEATURE_WIDGET_RAIN_GAUGE": "Widgets let you monitor the weather conditions from your home screen. Now available for your Smart Rain Gauge.", "__NEW_FEATURE_WIDGET_RESIZABLE": "Now you can resize widgets directly on your home screen.", "__NIM_ADD": "Up to 3 per Station (%s/3)", "__PLOT_TITLE_CO2": "CO₂", "__PLOT_TITLE_HUMIDITY": "Humidity", "__PLOT_TITLE_NOISE": "Sound meter", "__PLOT_TITLE_PARTICLES": "Particles", "__PLOT_TITLE_PRESSURE": "Pressure", "__PLOT_TITLE_RAIN": "Rain", "__PLOT_TITLE_TEMPERATURE": "Temperature", "__PLOT_TITLE_WIND": "Wind", "__PREFERENCES_FILTER_EXPL": "Don't show stations with unreliable measures.", "__PREFERENCES_RAIN_MEASURE_TITLE": "Rain fall measurement", "__PREFERENCES_WIND_MEASURE_TITLE": "Wind measurement", "__PRESSURE_UNIT": "Pressure unit", "__PROTECTION": "Protection", "__QUALITY": "Filter stations", "__RAIN_CUMUL": "Accumulated over the period:", "__RAIN_DASH_CUMUL": "Accumulated", "__RAIN_DASH_CUMUL_ABB": "Accumulated", "__RAIN_DASH_FORECAST": "Forecast", "__RAIN_DASH_FORECAST_ABB": "Forecast", "__RAIN_LIVE": "Live", "__RAIN_NOW": "Last hour", "__RAIN_TODAY": "Today", "__REAL_TIME": "Real-time", "__REBOOTING": "Rebooting Weather Station.", "__REGISTER_ASSOCIATE_FAIL_ERR": "Could not register your station. Please contact the Netatmo support", "__REGISTER_ASSOCIATE_MODULE_ERR": "We could not register your outdoor module. Please contact the Netatmo Support.", "__REGISTER_DEVICE_STATUS": "Registering station.", "__REGISTER_MODULE_STATUS": "Registering modules.", "__REGISTER_NAME_INSTRUCTION": "Enter a name to identify your station.", "__REGISTER_NAME_MODULE_ERR": "We could not set the name of your module. Please contact the Netatmo Support.", "__REGISTER_NAME_SET_ERR": "We could not set the name of the station. Please try again.", "__REMOVE_FROM_MY_FAVORITES": "Remove from my favorite stations list", "__ROADSIDE_PREFIX": "Roadside", "__SETTINGS_COMMUNITY": "Community", "__SETTINGS_FAVORITE": "Favorite Station", "__SETTINGS_FAVORITES": "Favorite Stations", "__SETTINGS_HOMES": "Homes", "__SETTINGS_STATIONS_GUESTS": "Guest Stations", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_ALERT_MESSAGE": "Share the weather data from your weather station with your relatives, friends or on social networks in no time. You will not be sharing access to your weather station, but only the latest weather measurements recorded at the time when you shared the data.", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_ALERT_TITLE": "Share your weather data easily!", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_BUBBLE_TITLE": "With my NETATMO Smart Home Weather Station", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_BUBBLE_TITLE_NON_OWNER": "With a NETATMO Smart Home Weather Station", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_PREVIEW_MESSAGE": "Dazzling sunshine? Make everyone jealous! Freezing? Need for comfort! Share the weather happening above you.", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_PREVIEW_TITLE": "Share your weather", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_SHARED_TEXT": "Weather data at %s in %s from my Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station: ​ Temperature: %s Humidity: %s", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_SHARED_TEXT_HASHTAG_WEATHER": "#weather", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_SHARED_TEXT_NON_OWNER": "Weather data at %s in %s from a Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station: ​ Temperature: %s Humidity: %s", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_SHARED_TEXT_RAIN_ADDITION": "Rain: %s", "__SHARE_DASHBOARD_SHARED_TEXT_WIND_ADDITION": "Wind: %s", "__SLIDER_1_EXPLANATION": "See weather information from Netatmo Smart Home Weather Stations around the world.", "__SLIDER_1_WELCOME": "Welcome to the NETATMO Weathermap", "__SLIDER_2_DISCOVER": "Discover temperature
and rain in real time", "__SOURCE_CITEAIR": "CiteAir Index", "__SOURCE_EPA": "AirNow index", "__SOURCE_MACC": "MACC Index", "__SPEECH_RECOGNIZE_ERROR": "Unable to recognize.", "__START_BTN": "Start", "__STATEMENT_EPA_CO": "People with heart disease are the group most at risk.", "__STATEMENT_EPA_OZONE": "People with lung disease, children, older adults, and people who are active outdoors are the groups most at risk.", "__STATEMENT_EPA_PM10": "People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are the groups most at risk.", "__STATEMENT_EPA_PM25": "People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are the groups most at risk.", "__STATEMENT_EPA_SO2": "People with asthma are the goup most at risk.", "__STATION_DEFAULT_NAME": "Station", "__SYS_UNIT": "Unit system", "__TIMELINE_BUTTON_MORE": "More...", "__TIMELINE_COULD_NOT_POST_ALERT": "Error: Could not post this message.", "__TIMELINE_EMPTY": "There is no event available.", "__TIMELINE_ERROR_BUTTON_CONNECT": "Connect", "__TIMELINE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_FACEBOOK_SHARE_NOT_ASSOCIATED": "You need to connect to Facebook to share an event", "__TIMELINE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION_TWITTER_SHARE_NOT_ASSOCIATED": "You need to connect to Twitter to share an event", "__TIMELINE_ERROR_LOADING_STREAM": "There was an error loading the stream.", "__TIMELINE_EVENT_MORE_INFO": "More info", "__TIMELINE_EVENT_TITLE_BILAN": "Highlight", "__TIMELINE_EVENT_TITLE_HINT": "Hint", "__TIMELINE_HINT_CAN_SELECT_EVENT": "You may select an event in the timeline and visualize it in the graphs", "__TIMELINE_HINT_SELECT_AN_EVENT": "Select an event.", "__TIMELINE_HINT_TILT_TO_PLOT": "Tilt to visualize this event.", "__TIMELINE_LOADING_STREAM": "Loading events...", "__TIMELINE_TITLE": "Events", "__TUTO_1": "Insert batteries in the outdoor module if not done yet. A green light should flash afterward.", "__TUTO_2": "Keep the Outdoor Module out of direct sunlight or any other source of temperature, like vents. Make sure it is in a well-ventilated area.", "__TUTO_3": "Your station automatically records measurements through the day.", "__TUTO_4": "You can measure on demand by touching the top button of the indoor module.", "__TUTO_5": "Your station sends an alert to your phone when a special event occurs (CO2, humidity, temperature...)", "__TUTO_6": "Explore the measurements taken by the Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station community in over 170 countries using our Weathermap.", "__TUTO_7": "Also contribute to the Weathermap by agreeing to share the outdoor data from your Home Weather Station.", "__TUTO_7_JOIN_BUTTON": "Join", "__TUTO_7_REFUSE_BUTTON": "Do not join", "__TUTO_TITLE_1": "Check batteries", "__TUTO_TITLE_2": "Place the Outdoor Module", "__TUTO_TITLE_3": "Automatic measurements", "__TUTO_TITLE_4": "Measurement on demand", "__TUTO_TITLE_5": "Notifications", "__TUTO_TITLE_6": "Check the weather all over the world", "__TUTO_TITLE_7": "Join the community", "__VIDEO_GOTOSHOP_BTN": "Get your Netatmo Weather Station!", "__VIDEO_INTRO": "Netatmo is the first Smart Home Weather Station for iPhone and iPad, with Air Quality sensors.", "__WEATHERMAP_LAUNCH_SCREEN": "Weathermap", "__WEATHERMAP_LAUNCH_SCREEN_MAP_SUBTITLE": "Browse Smart Home Weather Station around you", "__WEATHERMAP_LAUNCH_SCREEN_SUBTITLE": "weather", "__WEATHERMAP_SHARE_TEXT": "Hey, here is the Netatmo Weathermap. You can see it here:", "__WEATHER_DATA": "Weather data", "__WEATHER_MAP_TITLE": "Netatmo Weathermap", "__WEATHER_PROTECTION": "Weather protection", "__WEBAPP_ADS_AVAILABLE": "Available with", "__WEBAPP_ADS_IM1": "Additional Smart Indoor Module", "__WEBAPP_ADS_IM2": "You can connect up to 3 Additional Smart Indoor Modules", "__WEBAPP_ADS_NRS": "Smart Weather Station Shield", "__WEBAPP_ADS_RG": "Smart Rain Gauge", "__WEBAPP_ADS_WG": "Smart Anemometer", "__WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_FORECASTS_NOM": "Display the data of the Outdoor Module and weather forecasts in a large widget.", "__WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_NMM_NIM": "Display the data of the Indoor Module (main or additional) in a small or medium widget.", "__WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_NOM": "Display the data of the Outdoor Module in a small or medium widget.", "__WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_NRG": "Display the data of the Rain Gauge in a small or medium widget.", "__WIDGET_DESCRIPTION_NWA": "Display the data of the Anemometer in a small or medium widget.", "__WIDGET_ERROR_MODULE_UNREACHABLE": "Module unreachable", "__WIDGET_ERROR_NOT_LOGGED": "Not logged in", "__WIDGET_ERROR_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL": "No data yet", "__WIDGET_ERROR_SERVERS_DOWN": "Services momentarily unavailable", "__WIDGET_ERROR_STATION_DISCONNECTED": "Weather Station disconnected", "__WIDGET_ERROR_UNKNOWN": "Unknown error", "__WIDGET_MIN_MAX_TEMP_SELECTION_TITLE": "Min/max temperatures", "__WIDGET_MODULE_SELECTION_DEFAULT": "Default module", "__WIDGET_MODULE_SELECTION_TITLE": "Module", "__WIDGET_NAME_FORECASTS_NOM": "Outdoor module with forecasts", "__WIDGET_NAME_NMM_NIM": "Indoor module", "__WIDGET_NAME_NOM": "Outdoor module", "__WIDGET_NAME_NRG": "Rain Gauge", "__WIDGET_NAME_NWA": "Anemometer", "__WIDGET_OLD_MESSAGE": "Thank you for being a widget user! We invite you to install the new widgets, specially designed for iOS14. You can add as many as you want and stack them in order to get an overview of your Home.", "__WIDGET_RAIN_PROBABILITY": "Probability", "__WIDGET_SIZE_EXTRA_LARGE": "Extra Large", "__WIDGET_SIZE_LARGE": "Large", "__WIDGET_SIZE_LARGE_ROW": "Large Row", "__WIDGET_SIZE_MEDIUM": "Medium", "__WIDGET_SIZE_SMALL": "Small", "__WIDGET_SIZE_SQUARE": "Square", "__WIDGET_STATION_NOT_REACHABLE": "%s unavailable", "__WIDGET_TITLE": "Netatmo Weather Station", "__WIDGET_TRANSPARENCY": "Transparency", "__WIFI_CHECK_ERR_TCP": "The Weather Station couldn't access Netatmo's internet services. One of the following reasons could be responsible:
- Your internet access does not work. Please check your internet access.
- The Weather Station cannot access internet through public Wi-Fi networks (HotSpot) and through enterprise Wi-Fi networks that filter ports.
- If the problem persists, contact the Netatmo Support.", "__WIFI_CONFIG_NETW_EXISTS": "Your Weather Station already has a valid Wi-Fi configuration: %s", "__WIFI_JOIN_ERR_LOWRADIO": "Your Wi-Fi signal is too weak. Please bring the Weather Station closer to the Wi-Fi network and retry.", "__WIFI_JOIN_ERR_REJECTED": "The Wi-Fi network rejected your connection request. The reasons for that can be that:
- The Weather Station cannot access internet through public Wi-Fi networks (HotSpot) and through enterprise Wi-Fi networks that filter ports.
- Your Wi-Fi network has MAC address filter.
- Your Wi-Fi network's router has a pairing button you must push before trying to connect your Weather Station.
- If the problem persists, contact the Netatmo Support.", "__WIFI_JOIN_ERR_SSID_NOT_FOUND": "The Wi-Fi signal from your Wi-Fi network has been lost during the connection. Try one of the following solutions:
- Bring the Weather Station closer the the Wi-Fi network and retry.
- Restart your Wi-Fi network and the Weather Station and retry.
- If the problem persists, contact the Netatmo Support.", "__WIFI_NO_CONFIG": "Congratulations, your Weather Station has been detected!
We will now proceed to its Wi-Fi configuration.
Please tap Start.", "__WIFI_SET_STATIC_ARP_FAIL": "The Weather Station could not connect to your Wi-Fi network. Please enter IP static parameters below.", "__WIFI_SET_STATIC_ARP_FAIL_ASK_USER": "The Weather Station could not connect to your Wi-Fi network. Would you like to manually configure it?", "__WIFI_SET_STATIC_DHCP_FAIL": "Your Wi-Fi network did not automatically provide an IP address for your Weather Station.
Please enter IP static parameters.", "__WIFI_SET_STATIC_DHCP_FAIL_WEP": "Your Wi-Fi network did not automatically provide an IP address for your Weather Station. Reasons could be that:
- You entered a wrong password.
- You have to set IP static parameters.
- Please choose one action below:
", "__WIFI_SET_STATIC_DNS_FAIL": "The Weather Station could not connect to the Domain Name System server (DNS).
Please enter IP static parameters below.", "__WIND_DIR_E": "E", "__WIND_DIR_ENE": "ENE", "__WIND_DIR_ESE": "ESE", "__WIND_DIR_N": "N", "__WIND_DIR_NE": "NE", "__WIND_DIR_NNE": "NNE", "__WIND_DIR_NNW": "NNW", "__WIND_DIR_NW": "NW", "__WIND_DIR_S": "S", "__WIND_DIR_SE": "SE", "__WIND_DIR_SSE": "SSE", "__WIND_DIR_SSW": "SSW", "__WIND_DIR_SW": "SW", "__WIND_DIR_VARIABLE": "(variable)", "__WIND_DIR_W": "W", "__WIND_DIR_WNW": "WNW", "__WIND_DIR_WSW": "WSW", "__WIND_MAX_PERIOD": "Maximum wind speed in the period:", "__WIND_SPEED": "Wind speed", "__WIND_UNIT": "Wind Speed", "__WMAP_POPUP_LOCATION_OFF": "Location Services Off", "__WMAP_POPUP_LOCATION_OFF_TEXT": "Turn on Location Services in settings > Privacy to allow Netatmo App to determine your current location.", "__WMAP_SLIDE_UPDATE": "Hi ! We just updated your app, enjoy a new fresh redesign weathermap !", "__WMAP_TUTO_2": "Temperature, rain and wind in real time in over 170 countries.", "__WMAP_TUTO_3": "Also contribute to the Weathermap by agreeing to share the outdoor data from your Home Weather Station.", "__WMAP_TUTO_TITLE_1": "Check the weather all over the world", "__WMAP_TUTO_TITLE_2": "Live weather reports", "__WMAP_TUTO_TITLE_3": "Join the community", "__WM_PREFERENCES_DETAILS_TITLE": "Measurement", "__WS_ACCS_1_BUTTON": "Watch video", "__WS_ACCS_1_TITLE": "accessories", "__WS_ACCS_2_DESCRIPTION": "It uses the very latest in ultrasound technology to reliably and accurately measure the wind's speed and direction, including those of wind gusts. You can configure how you want to be alerted if the wind reaches a certain speed and also receive more precise \"feels like\" temperature using the Weather Station App.", "__WS_ACCS_2_LABEL1": "WIND SPEED", "__WS_ACCS_2_LABEL2": "WIND DIRECTION", "__WS_ACCS_2_TITLE": "The Smart Anemometer", "__WS_ACCS_4_DESCRIPTION": "It provides real-time readings of the amount of rainfall and accumulated precipitation data. Track rain information precisely so you'll know when you need to water your plants.", "__WS_ACCS_4_LABEL1": "RAIN", "__WS_ACCS_4_TITLE": "The Smart Rain Gauge", "__WS_ACCS_6_DESCRIPTION": "This wireless accessory can be placed anywhere in the home. It provides temperature, humidity and CO2 readings for the room it is in, sending you alerts when you need to air out the house, making it healthier. You can connect up to 3 Additional Modules to your Netatmo Weather station.", "__WS_ACCS_6_LABEL1": "TEMPERATURE", "__WS_ACCS_6_LABEL2": "HUMIDITY", "__WS_ACCS_6_LABEL3": "CO2", "__WS_ACCS_6_TITLE": "Additional Smart Indoor Module", "__WS_ACCS_8_BUTTON1": "Discover the app", "__WS_ACCS_8_BUTTON2": "Buy now", "__WS_APPV2_NF_END": "Let's get started", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TEXT_1": "Find all your data in a more modern and sleek display.", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TEXT_2": "The background of your application changes according to the time of the day and cloud cover.", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TEXT_3": "Temperature and pressure are now displayed with a trend arrow that indicates whether the value is increasing, decreasing or stable.", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TEXT_4": "The dew point, temperature at which water vapour in the air condenses to form droplets, appears on the dashboard.", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TITLE_1": "Your app's been given a new look!", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TITLE_2": "A design that evolves throughout the day", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TITLE_3": "New features", "__WS_APPV2_NF_TITLE_4": "And finally...", "__WS_APP_NAME": "Weather Station", "__WS_DASHBOARD_ADDITIONAL_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA": "This module cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_ADDITIONAL_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_LINK": "https://my.netatmo.com/settingsstation/faqnew/3/3", "__WS_DASHBOARD_ADDITIONAL_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_WEB": "This module cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_DEW_POINT_TITLE": "Dew Point", "__WS_DASHBOARD_DISCONNECTED": "Weather Station disconnected", "__WS_DASHBOARD_DISCONNECTED_DESCRIPTION_FAVORI": "Whoops! It looks like the Weather Station you favourited is offline. The administrator has been notified. In the meantime, you can favourite another nearby Weather Station.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_DISCONNECTED_DESCRIPTION_GUEST": "We can’t access the Weather Station because it is offline. Please contact the Weather Station administrator.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_DISCONNECTED_SUBTITLE": "The Weather Station %s is disconnected.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_ADD_MODULE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "You can add up to 3 Additional Modules", "__WS_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA": "The Weather Station's big module is disconnected. Did you unplug it or change the Wi-Fi password?

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_LINK": "https://my.netatmo.com/settingsstation/faqnew/3/4", "__WS_DASHBOARD_INDOOR_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_WEB": "The Weather Station's big module is disconnected. Did you unplug it or change the Wi-Fi password?", "__WS_DASHBOARD_MODULE_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL_SUBTITLE": "The module %s has no data yet.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_MODULE_UNREACHABLE": "Module unreachable", "__WS_DASHBOARD_MODULE_UNREACHABLE_DESCRIPTION_FAVORI": "Whoops! We can’t access the data from this module because it can’t contact the Station. The administrator has been notified. In the meantime, you can favourite another nearby Weather Station.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_MODULE_UNREACHABLE_DESCRIPTION_GUEST": "We can’t access the data from this module because it can’t contact the Station. Please contact the Weather Station administrator.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_MODULE_UNREACHABLE_SUBTITLE": "The module %s is unreachable.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL": "No data yet", "__WS_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_MODULE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "No outdoor module paired to this Station", "__WS_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_MODULE_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL": "This module can take some time to make its first measurement.

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_MODULE_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL_WEB": "This module can take some time to make its first measurement.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA": "This module cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_LINK": "https://my.netatmo.com/settingsstation/faqnew/3/3", "__WS_DASHBOARD_OUTDOOR_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_WEB": "This module cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_RAIN_MODULE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "You can add a Smart Rain Gauge to your Station", "__WS_DASHBOARD_RAIN_MODULE_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL": "The Rain Gauge can take some time to make its first measurement.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_RAIN_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA": "The Smart Rain Gauge cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_RAIN_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_LINK": "https://my.netatmo.com/settingsstation/faqnew/3/3", "__WS_DASHBOARD_RAIN_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_WEB": "The Smart Rain Gauge cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_SONOMETER_TITLE": "Sound meter", "__WS_DASHBOARD_STATION_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL": "The Station can take some time to make its first measurement.

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_STATION_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL_SUBTITLE": "The Weather Station %s has no data yet.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_STATION_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL_WEB": "The Station can take some time to make its first measurement.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_AIRQ_DATA": "Air quality data is not available", "__WS_DASHBOARD_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_FORECAST_DATA": "Unable to retrieve forecast data.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_MODULE_DATA": "Unable to retrieve data.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_WIND_MODULE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "You can add a Smart Anemometer to your Station", "__WS_DASHBOARD_WIND_MODULE_NO_DATA_AFTER_INSTALL": "The Wind Gauge can take some time to make its first measurement.", "__WS_DASHBOARD_WIND_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA": "The Smart Anemometer cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.

More help about this issue", "__WS_DASHBOARD_WIND_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_LINK": "https://my.netatmo.com/settingsstation/faqnew/3/3", "__WS_DASHBOARD_WIND_MODULE_NO_RECENT_DATA_WEB": "The Smart Anemometer cannot join the Station. Please, check its batteries or move it closer to the Station.", "__WS_DEW_POINT_POPUP": "When air reaches this temperature at a constant pressure, it becomes saturated with water. Dew point is mainly used to measure the moisture content of the air. Air saturated with moisture causes fog, mist, frost, and other types of bad weather.", "__WS_FEELS_LIKE_POPUP": "This is computed data, obtained by adding the combined effect of humidity and wind, to determine humans' perception of heat and cold.", "__WS_GOOD_HUMIDITY_OUT_POPUP": "Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air.\\nHumidity is an essential part of healthy living.", "__WS_GOOD_PRESSURE_POPUP": "Pressure is the amount of force exerted by the gas mixture that makes up the atmosphere per unit area.\\nLow pressure is often associated with strong winds and bad weather.", "__WS_GOOD_TEMPERATURE_OUT_POPUP": "The outside temperature is currently quite comfortable.", "__WS_HIGH_PRESSURE_POPUP": "Pressure is the amount of force exerted by the gas mixture that makes up the atmosphere per unit area.\\nHigh pressure is often synonymous with calm weather (not necessarily good weather).", "__WS_HIGH_TEMPERATURE_OUT_POPUP": "When it's very hot, make sure to stay hydrated and wear appropriate clothing.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_CAMERA_ROLL_ERROR_MESSAGE": "You need to allow the Netatmo Weather app to access your Camera Roll in order to continue. Grant access from the settings menu and then try again.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_MESSAGE": "This code is unique and cannot be generated again. Write it down carefully and keep it in a safe place.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_TITLE": "Have you saved the setup code?", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_CONGRATULATIONS": "Your Weather Station is now HomeKit. You can go to the Home app and enjoy it!", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_HOME_FAILED": "The HomeKit migration of your Weather Station succeeded but the installation in your Home app failed.\\nPlease continue the installation in your Home app.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_HOME_IOS9_FAILED": "The HomeKit migration of your Weather Station succeeded. However, the HomeKit installation is not supported on iOS 9. Please continue the installation in your Home app.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_INSTRUCTIONS": "Important: this code is unique and cannot be generated again. Write it down carefully and keep it in a safe place.An image will be saved in your Camera Roll. It's recommended to print it.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_SETUP_CODE": "HomeKit setup code for your Weather Station: %s", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_SRP_ALREADY_SET": "You have already activated HomeKit on this Station. Please continue the installation in your Home app, using the setup code you received or reset your Station. For more info, you can go to our Help Center.", "__WS_HOMEKIT_MIGRATION_SUBTITLE": "You will need to use this code during the HomeKit setup", "__WS_IAQ_TITLE_POPUP": "Indoor Air Quality", "__WS_INFO_1_BUTTON": "Watch video", "__WS_INFO_1_TITLE": "Smart Home Weather Station", "__WS_INFO_2_DESCRIPTION": "The Weather Station's Indoor Module measures your indoor comfort by providing vital information, alerting you when you need to air out your home to bring down its pollution levels.", "__WS_INFO_2_LABEL1": "Temperature", "__WS_INFO_2_LABEL2": "Humidity", "__WS_INFO_2_LABEL3": "Air quality", "__WS_INFO_2_LABEL4": "CO2", "__WS_INFO_2_LABEL5": "Sound meter", "__WS_INFO_2_TITLE": "Discover your home environment", "__WS_INFO_4_DESCRIPTION": "We spend 80% of our time indoors, and yet indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air. The Netatmo Weather Station measures indoor pollution levels through a CO2 sensor, sending you alerts so you can air out your home when necessary and live in a healthier environment.", "__WS_INFO_4_LABEL1": "Average", "__WS_INFO_4_LABEL2": "Very good", "__WS_INFO_4_LABEL3": "Warning", "__WS_INFO_4_TITLE": "A healthier home", "__WS_INFO_5_DESCRIPTION1": "The Weather Station's Outdoor Module gives you real-time weather information that matters: gathered right at your doorstep.", "__WS_INFO_5_LABEL1": "Temperature", "__WS_INFO_5_LABEL2": "Humidity", "__WS_INFO_5_LABEL3": "Outdoor air quality", "__WS_INFO_5_TITLE": "Discover your external environment", "__WS_INFO_6_DESCRIPTION": "The App allows you to view your data in graph form for real-time tracking of your environment. Observe the cycles and forecast variations around you.", "__WS_INFO_6_TITLE": "Analyze past readings, observe the present and forecast the future.", "__WS_INFO_7_TITLE": "Complete your Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station", "__WS_INFO_8_BUTTON1": "Discover the app", "__WS_INFO_8_BUTTON2": "Buy now", "__WS_INFO_HOME_1_BUTTON": "Learn more", "__WS_INFO_HOME_1_TITLE": "Smart Home Weather Station", "__WS_INFO_HOME_2_BUTTON": "Learn more", "__WS_INFO_HOME_2_TITLE": "Complete your Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station with accessories", "__WS_INSTALLER_BTCONNECT_CONNECTING_STATION": "Connecting to the Station", "__WS_INSTALLER_BTCONNECT_SEARCHING_FOR_STATION": "Searching for the Station", "__WS_INSTALLER_NONE_CONFORM_DEVICE_ALERT_MESSAGE": "The device your are trying to install is not a Netatmo Weather Station!", "__WS_INSTALLER_SELECT_SETUP_MODE_MODULES_DESCRIPTION": "Complete your Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station with accessories", "__WS_INSTALLER_SELECT_SETUP_MODE_MODULES_TITLE": "Add-ons for the Smart Home Weather Station", "__WS_INSTALL_SETTING_UP": "Configuring the Station", "__WS_IOS_AUTH_HOMEKIT": "Netatmo Weather needs to access your in order to setup your products.", "__WS_IOS_AUTH_LOCATION": "The Netatmo Weather App needs access to your location in order to configure your products.", "__WS_IOS_AUTH_PHOTOS": "Netatmo Weather needs to access your Photos to save your HomeKit setup code.", "__WS_JOIN_HOME_TXT": "Request an access to the product owner. In his Netatmo App settings, the owner will just need to go to \"Station administrators\" to give you access to the product. You will then receive an email invitation.", "__WS_KICKED_OUT_ALERT_MESSAGE": "You have been disconnected from your station by its administrator.", "__WS_KICKED_OUT_ALERT_TITLE": "Error", "__WS_LOW_TEMPERATURE_OUT_POPUP": "Long exposure to low temperature causes fatigue.", "__WS_MENU_ADD_STATION_BUTTON": "Install a new Station", "__WS_MENU_ALERT_SETTINGS_BUTTON": "Notifications", "__WS_MENU_MAIN_SETTINGS_BUTTON": "Settings", "__WS_MENU_WEATHERMAP_BUTTON": "Netatmo Weathermap", "__WS_MISSING_MODULE_DISCOVER": "Discover", "__WS_MISSING_MODULE_INSTALL": "Install", "__WS_NO_RECENT_DATA_MORE_HELP": "More help about this issue", "__WS_OAQ_FAIR_POPUP": "Members of sensitive groups may experience health effects. The general public is less likely to be affected.", "__WS_OAQ_GOOD_POPUP": "Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.", "__WS_OAQ_HAZARDOUS_POPUP": "Health warning of emergency conditions: everyone is more likely to be affected.", "__WS_OAQ_MODERATE_POPUP": "Air quality is acceptable. However, there may be a risk for some people, particularly those who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.", "__WS_OAQ_UNHEALTHY_POPUP": "Some members of the general public may experience health effects; members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects.", "__WS_OAQ_VERY_UNHEALTHY_POPUP": "Health alert: The risk of health effects is increased for everyone.", "__WS_SELECT_HOME": "Select a home where you want to install your Weather Station", "__WS_SETTINGS_HARDWARE_VERSION_1": "v1", "__WS_SETTINGS_HARDWARE_VERSION_2": "v2", "__WS_SETTINGS_HARDWARE_VERSION_3": "v3", "__WS_SETTINGS_HARDWARE_VERSION_4": "v4", "__WS_SETTINGS_HARDWARE_VERSION_UNKNOWN": "-" }